Features of Reimin

"Reimin" is a contemporary Ming-cho typeface which has a simple and friendly expression. With wider counters, the small variations within the Kana creates a modern design, and whether used in vertical or horizontal typesetting, it is beautiful and easy to read. This typeface has a straightforward clarity, and can be used for the body text of books and magazines, business documents and headlines. There are 34 typefaces that create the "Reimin Gradation Family," where the width of the horizontal strokes is gradually changed, so it is possible to choose from a wide range of typefaces and maintain a consistent image.

Morisawa Inc.



Type and Try.


Fonts Min set AJ1-2 AJ1-3 AJ1-4 AJ1-5 AJ1-6 AJ1-7 U-PRESS Meiryo based
OTF Min NewCID OTF Std OTF Pro OTF Pr5 OTF Pr6/Pr6N OTF Pr6N OTF Upr TT for Vista Adobe-GB1-4 Pro (Morisawa) PE (Morisawa) Original
L none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
R none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
M none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
B none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
EB none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
H none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
EH none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none
U none none none ok none ok ok none none none none none none