
UD Digital Kyokasho-tai on TypeSquare

Morisawa Inc. announces the release of UD Digital Kyokasho-tai and UD Digital Kyokasho-tai Latin on Web Font Service TypeSquare.

UD Digital Kyokasho-tai is a universal design typeface which is suitable for ICT education compliant with official curriculum guidelines. It maintains forms of writing directions, stops and sweep strokes, and reduces the contrast. This typeface is designed with consideration for people who have low vision or suffer from dyslexia*, and has scientific basis in terms of the readability. UD Digital Kyokasho-tai Latin is suitable for new English education materials which Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology works on.  This typeface could be used on your Website with UD Digital Kyokasho-tai.

*Low vision is also called amblyopia, and dyslexia is also called reading and writing disorder.

Release date



Release platform

Web Font Service TypeSquare


Release typefaces

UDDigiKyokasho R/M/B/H

UDDigiKyoLatin Regular/Medium/Bold/Heavy

UDDigiKyoItalic Regular/Medium/Bold/Heavy

UDDigiKyoWriting Regular